Helya Glen

Helya Glen

Helya is a NASM certified personal trainer with expertise in RKC, 200 Hr Yoga, Animal Flow, Precision Nutrition, Tabata, Pilates, and is currently completing her CrossFit L1 certification. She is an experienced coach with many certifications, but most of her experience comes from the hundreds of people she has helped over the last decade while owning a small functional training gym in Ventura, California. Helya is a people person passionate about helping people move well and hurt less.
A thumbnail of a woman performing a kettlebell snatch exercise in her living room.

How to Perform the Kettlebell Snatch Safely and Effectively

The kettlebell snatch is a dynamic full-body movement that requires skill, strength, and coordination. It’s an absolute cornerstone of kettlebell training for most of my personal training clients, offering loads of benefits while posing challenges that demand dedication and technique…