Helya Glen

Helya Glen

Helya is a NASM certified personal trainer with expertise in RKC, 200 Hr Yoga, Animal Flow, Precision Nutrition, Tabata, Pilates, and is currently completing her CrossFit L1 certification. She is an experienced coach with many certifications, but most of her experience comes from the hundreds of people she has helped over the last decade while owning a small functional training gym in Ventura, California. Helya is a people person passionate about helping people move well and hurt less.
Demonstration of planking position with doing shoulder taps

Taming Your Muffin Top: 3 Simple Core Exercises for a Sleeker Waistline

“Muffin tops” are those stubborn love handles that spill over the waistband of jeans. For a lot of people, they can be quite frustrating and super difficult to get rid of! Although I don’t have the magic solution, and spot reduction is not a realistic approach, targeting the core muscles with the right exercises and breathing techniques can help tone and strengthen the area.

Reverse Health Review: The Best 12-Week Weight Loss Program for Menopausal Women?

Although I had my doubts about Reverse Health, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it provides a lot of beginner-friendly fitness and diet information for middle-aged women. For what works out to be a bit more than $10 per month, you get a lot of value in return—assuming that you stick to the program. However, the hosts Matt and Monika make it super easy to follow along and to learn how to lose stubborn weight and, importantly, how keep the weight off. Reverse Health is a great option for women looking to lose weight during or after menopause.