Is Your Shilajit Legit? How to Tell If It’s Pure Himalayan Shilajit or a Scam?

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Shilajit is one of the hottest supplements in the health sphere right now. Everyone is talking about it and its impressive list of benefits.

Now, while it’s relatively easy to find shilajit online or at your local health store, it’s not always easy to find high-quality and pure Himalayan Shilajit, which is what you want if you’re looking for all the benefits.

In this post, we’ll explore what you should look for to ensure you are buying the highest quality form of this amazing ingredient…

What is Shilajit And Why Is It Popular?

Shilajit is a sticky, dark and tar-like substance found primarily in the rocks and forests of the Himalayas, as well as in other mountain ranges around the world. The dark substance is formed gradually over centuries by the decomposition of certain plants and microorganisms. Rich in all sorts of minerals, fulvic acid, and other beneficial compounds, shilajit has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, and it only recently became popular in the west…

People searching for the keyword “Shilajit” on Google since 2018 (source: Google Trends)

Shilajit is now popular in the west for many reasons, which include:

  1. Health Benefits: Shilajit is believed to have several health benefits. It’s often used to boost energy levels, improve stamina, increase testosterone and enhance overall vitality. Many people also take it to support cognitive function, improve heart health, and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Rich in Nutrients: Shilajit is packed with over 80 minerals and compounds like fulvic acid, which is thought to help the body absorb and utilize these nutrients more effectively.
  3. Adaptogenic Properties: Shilajit is considered an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress, and supports overall balance and well-being. This makes it popular among those looking for natural ways to manage stress and improve resilience.
  4. Anti-Aging Effects: Some believe that shilajit has anti-aging properties because it’s rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. This has made it popular in the wellness community as a supplement for promoting longevity and maintaining youthful vitality.
  5. Traditional Use: Shilajit has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine, where it’s valued for its ability to promote physical and mental health. Its traditional roots contribute to its popularity among those who prefer natural and holistic approaches to health.
  6. Natural Energy Booster: Shilajit is often used by people who want a natural alternative to energy drinks or caffeine. Similar to Creatine, Shilajit is thought to enhance mitochondrial function, which helps the body produce energy more efficiently, especially during intense exercise.
  7. Improves Physical Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts sometimes use shilajit to improve endurance, reduce recovery time, and enhance physical performance.

Overall, shilajit’s popularity stems from its wide range of potential health benefits and its status as a natural, time-tested remedy. Whether used for boosting energy, supporting mental clarity, or promoting overall health, shilajit has become a go-to supplement for many people seeking natural ways to enhance their well-being.

Checklist: Finding Pure Himalayan Shilajit

To figure out if your Himalayan shilajit is pure, you can to look into a few things, such as:

1. Look and Feel

  • Color: Pure shilajit is usually dark brown or black. If it’s lighter, it might not be pure.
  • Texture: It should be sticky and soft at room temperature. When it’s cold, it gets hard, but it should soften again when warmed up. If it stays hard or feels grainy, it might not be pure.

2. Dissolve It

  • Water Test: Drop a little bit of shilajit in warm water. If it’s pure, it will dissolve completely in a few minutes, turning the water brownish or golden. If it leaves stuff behind or doesn’t dissolve well, it might be mixed with something else.

3. Smell and Taste

  • Smell: Pure shilajit has a natural, earthy smell, kind of like the forest or soil. If it smells weird or artificial, it’s probably not pure.
  • Taste: It should taste bitter and earthy. If it’s sweet or has an artificial taste, it might not be pure.

4. Heat It

  • Melting: If you gently heat pure shilajit, it should melt and get sticky. It shouldn’t burn easily or turn into ash. If it does, it might not be real.

5. Where You Got It

  • Buy from a Good Source: Make sure you’re buying from a trusted place that tells you where the shilajit comes from. Real Himalayan shilajit usually comes from high up in the mountains and should be packed well to keep it fresh.
  • Look Up The Reviews: Before you buy your Shilajit, look up the reviews of both the product itself and the company producing it. It’s better to look up the reviews on multiple trusted sources, such as: Google Reviews, Amazon Reviews, TrustPilot, the BBB, Shopper Approved, etc.

6. Check for Testing

  • Lab Tests: Some sellers show lab tests that prove their shilajit is pure. Look for these tests to be sure it’s not mixed with anything bad.

That’s it folks! If your shilajit meets all the above requirements, you probably do have a quality product. If you are buying shilajit mainly for boosting testosterone, consider other proven ingredients like Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis or a product that combines multiple testosterone-boosting ingredients like Testosil, Testo Prime or TestoDren.

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