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This variation is a progression to the lying leg raises. It is an intermediate-level exercise that targets the abdominals, obliques, hip flexors, quadriceps and glutes.

Table of Contents
What are the Leg Raises?
The leg raises are an effective strength training exercise that builds a rock solid core and sculpting six-pack abs. There are seven variations that will be covered in this article which will range from beginners, intermediate, advanced level. But, the main one we will be focusing on is the lying leg raises. You don’t need any equipment to do this other than a comfortable floor to lie down on.
What muscles do Leg Raises work?
This exercise targets muscle groups throughout your body which includes the rectus abdnominis especially the lower abs. It also targets the hip flexors as the abdominal muscles are used isometrically to support the body during the motion, and it targets the obliques and the quadriceps.
What level is the Leg Raises?
There are a variety of leg raises that you can do, depending on your physical condition and the level of intensity that you’re seeking for a workout. The lying leg raises are for those who is at the beginner’s level, but for those who cannot perform this variation, a regression exercise for this would be the lying knee raises. Individuals that are more advanced with core exercises, do not worry, this article will cover other variations that will benefit you alo. Different variations that will be mentioned in this article includes:
- The Hanging Leg Raises (Intermediate Level)
- The Side Leg Raises (Beginner’s Level)
- The Weighted Leg Raises (Intermediate Level)
- The Six-Inch Leg Raises (Beginner’s Level)
- The Toe Touches (Advanced Level)
- The Windshield Wipers (Advanced Level)
How to do the Weighted Leg Raises?
- Place The Dumbbell Between Your Feet
Put the dumbbell in-between your feet, squeezing them to keep them in a secured.

- Lie With Your Back Flat
Lie flat onto the ground with your hands by your side pressing down onto the floor, and keeping your feet together. Press your lower back onto the floor by engaging your core and squeezing your glutes to push your hips forward. To prevent arching on the lower back, you can place your hands under your butt or place a towel underneath your lower back.

- Slowly Raise Your Legs Up
Raise your legs up towards the sky with your toes pointed until they are at a 90 degrees angle with your torso. Squeeze your feet tight onto the dumbbell.

- Slowly Lower Your Legs Back Down
Slowly, lower your legs back down to the starting position with your feet 2 inches above the floor.

Adding more weight to your leg raises will increase resistance on your abdominals which improves muscular strength and bigger muscles.